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About Us

How Does the Bakery, Fitness Events, Workshops, Support Services and Advocacy work tie into Nine Tea Cups?

We have two passions in life:

  1. Helping people
  2. Food

Not necessarily always in that order. Sometimes they have an equal weighting, sometimes no-one needs our help so food takes precedent, sometimes they go hand-in-hand.

On top of that, all of the team have food allergies and/or intolerances. We know what it’s like to go out to a restaurant and get presented with the menu specifically for people with food allergies and intolerances, while we peer over the shoulder of our non-food allergy or food intolerance friends. Or find yourself wandering around the supermarket unable to find anything you can actually eat.

To us, food is magic. But the limitations that occur when you learn that you have food allergies and/or food intolerances can feel like a little bit of that magic has been taken away.

So we created the bakery; a service that meant that people with dietary restrictions could still enjoy food without worrying about painful or life-threatening repercussions.

But that's not all. In addition to that we wanted to create spaces for communities to grow and flourish; from fitness classes to social skills workshops. To be able to discuss issues that directly affect communities in a safe space with people who get it or to be able to workout with likeminded friends.

Shortly after we began building these communities, clients approached us for more 1-to-1 help, which came in the form of advocacy, 1-to-1 support sessions and wellness sessions.


The magic of connection and community is at the heart of everything we do.

Get in touch if you would like more information or if you would like to work/volunteer with us. Drop us a line at hello@nineteacups.com or contact us here